Results for 'Leandro Gastón Indavera Stieben'

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  1.  16
    La expresión “mano invisible” como no explicativa.Leandro Gastón Indavera Stieben - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46 (46):111-123.
    Para economistas como Arrow, Hahn y Tobin, por ejemplo, la expresión “mano invisible” es la contribución más importante hecha al pensamiento económico y es explicativa de los procesos económicos. En este artículo se proponen una serie de argumentos a fin de sostener que la expresión “mano invisible” de Adam Smith no es relevante en términos explicativos. En primer lugar, Smith es renuente a aceptar como explicativas expresiones que apelen a agentes invisibles e inteligentes para intentar explicar fenómenos naturales. Para analizar (...)
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    Errors in the argumentative strategy of the providentialist interpretation of the invisible hand of adam smith: the case of the theory of moral sentiments.Leandro Gastón Indavera Stieben - 2011 - Discusiones Filosóficas 12 (19):239 - 256.
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    Rousseau, Smith y las rudas selvas de la naturaleza.Leandro Indavera - 2014 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 40 (2):241-249.
    Algunos autores han sostenido que es posible que en el pasaje de la mano invisible, en La teoría de los sentimientos morales, Smith esté contestando a Rousseau. Esta hipótesis se basa en una fraseología similar que usan tanto Smith como Rousseau en el Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad. En esta nota se mostrará que es posible realizar una distinción importante con relación al período histórico que Smith está analizando en el pasaje de la mano invisible de TSM IV: (...)
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    The Dialectic of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: by Gaston Fessard S.J.S. J. Gaston Fessard - 2022 - BRILL.
    Gaston Fessard employs Hegel’s dialectical logic to clarify how St. Ignatius’s _Spiritual Exercises_ envisage and prepare the decisions and choices between contrasting options or major turning points in spiritual life, in moments of what Ignatius would call _Election_.
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  5. Leandro Sánchez Marín. (2022). Michel Foucault y Gilles Deleuze. Sobre la imagen, el poder y la resistencia.Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2021 - Perseitas 10:379-398.
    En este texto nos proponemos abordar la última clase del semanario de Deleuze sobre el poder en Foucault a partir de dos momentos. El primero tiene que ver con el concepto de imagen y la interpretación sobre el cine que ya venía siendo una constante —aunque marginalmente— en estas clases de Deleuze. Seguidamente, el segundo momento tiene que ver con la relación entre poder y resistencia que arroja como resultado una interpretación del pensamiento de Foucault por parte de Deleuze como (...)
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  6. Homology: Homeostatic Property Cluster Kinds in Systematics and Evolution.Leandro Assis & Ingo Brigandt - 2009 - Evolutionary Biology 36:248-255.
    Taxa and homologues can in our view be construed both as kinds and as individuals. However, the conceptualization of taxa as natural kinds in the sense of homeostatic property cluster kinds has been criticized by some systematists, as it seems that even such kinds cannot evolve due to their being homeostatic. We reply by arguing that the treatment of transformational and taxic homologies, respectively, as dynamic and static aspects of the same homeostatic property cluster kind represents a good perspective for (...)
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    La philosophie du non: essai d'une philosophie du nouvel esprit scientifique.Gaston Bachelard - 1980 - Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pour Gaston Bachelard, le « non » signifie dépasser et compléter le savoir antérieur, la philosophie de la connaissance scientifique doit englober les contradictions. Il établit le profil épistémologique de l’évolution, du réalisme naïf au surrationalisme en passant par le rationalisme classique et élargit le domaine de l’intuition à ce qu’il appelle une « intuition travaillée»s’exerçant dans un espace non analytique.
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    Transforming Neuroscience into a Totalizing Meta-Narrative.Leandro Gaitán & Luis Echarte - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (1):16-33.
    The present work is developed within the frame of so-called critical neuroscience. The aim of this article is to explain the transition from a kind of neuroscience understood as a strict scientific discipline, possessing a methodology and a specific praxis, to a kind of neuroscience that has been transformed into a meta-narrative with totalizing claims. In particular, we identify and examine eleven catalysts for such a transition: 1) a lack of communication between scientists and journalists; 2) the abuse of information (...)
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty: libertad, percepción y reflexión radical.Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2023 - Escritos 31 (67).
    Este texto intenta comprender la naturaleza de la reflexión radical que debe ser la filosofía y cómo es diferente de una reflexión intelectualista o cartesiana. Mientras que la última se concibe como todopoderosa, capaz de constituir el mundo por sí sola, la reflexión radical reconoce, por el contrario, lo que está más acá de ella, es decir, la enorme zona carnal que Merleau-Ponty caracteriza como “objetivo previo” o “irreflexivo”. Solo entendiendo la reflexión radical como libertad, invención y apropiación del sentido, (...)
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    La formation de l'esprit scientifique.Gaston Bachelard - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:443.
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    Contract as a Transfer of Ownership and Public Justification: Two Models.Leandro Martins Zanitelli - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (3):310-326.
    Ratio Juris, Volume 35, Issue 3, Page 310-326, September 2022.
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    Covering properties of $$omega $$ω -mad families.Leandro Aurichi & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (3-4):445-452.
    We prove that Martin’s Axiom implies the existence of a Cohen-indestructible mad family such that the Mathias forcing associated to its filter adds dominating reals, while \ is consistent with the negation of this statement as witnessed by the Laver model for the consistency of Borel’s conjecture.
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    Epistemic Internalism and Knowledge-Relevant Anti-Individualist Responsibility.Leandro de Brasi - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (4):113-140.
    ABSTRACT In contemporary epistemology, there are a number of particular internalism/externalism debates. My concern here is with the internalism/externalism controversy about some specific positive epistemic status required for knowledge which is normally understood in terms of epistemic responsibility. I argue that, given our pervasive epistemic interdependence, such particular debate needs to be reformulated in anti-individualistic terms if it is to be an interesting one.
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    (1 other version)"A Ebulição na Massa d'Água" ou a linguagem segundo Merleau-Ponty.Leandro Neves Cardim - 2012 - Doispontos 9 (1).
    The present article investigates some consequences from the rapport ofthe creative and the sedimented language in Maurice Merleau-Ponty's works. It aims at analyzing the different positions adopted by the philosopher on that rapport by considering the image of a boiling liquid as the guide for such analysis. The heuristic power of this image will help, on one side, to comprehend the different standpoints used to interpret the phenomenon of language; on the other side, it will serve as an index to (...)
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  15. No Stone on Another: Studies in the Significance of the Fall of Jerusalem in the Synoptic Gospels.Lloyd Gaston - 1970
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    Faire des images, faire de la révolte.Leandro Rodrigues Lage - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):88-91.
    Partant du principe que l’imagination est une condition préalable à l’action politique, créer des images est aussi une manière de faire de la révolte. En ce sens, allant au-delà du paradigme iconique, les images elles-mêmes deviennent des expressions sensibles de l’indignation de ceux qui s’inscrivent contre les formes injustes de pouvoir. En Amazonie, région historiquement constituée comme « l’Autre » du Brésil, les anciennes et nouvelles logiques colonialistes se conjuguent aux dilemmes nationaux et internationaux, créant une atmosphère de constantes menaces, (...)
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  17. A proposito di Niccolò Machiavelli/Leonardo Perini.Leandro Perini - 2002 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 47:133-142.
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    Noumenon and microphysics.Gaston Bachelardtranslated By Bernard Roy - 2006 - Philosophical Forum 37 (1):75–84.
  19.  9
    Un agnóstico valora positivamente la religión: George Santayana.Leandro Sequeiros - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (285):1001-1005.
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    Aspectos da pintura política na França: de Civilização atl'nticaao Ateliê Popular (1953-68).Leandro Souza - 2018 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 24 (2):192-209.
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    The poetics of reverie.Gaston Bachelard - 1969 - New York,: Orion Press.
    In Poetics of Reverie he considers the absolute origins of that imagery: language, sexuality, childhood, the Cartesian ego, and the universe.
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    Does nature learn? Information integration and rare events in systems of increasing complexity.Leandro Lopes Loguercio & Juan Carlos Jaimes-Martínez - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (2):1-22.
    The environment is a continuous source of matter and energy, which dynamizes the adaptive processes of biological systems, so that these systems emerge, persist or are extinguished as a consequence of their reactions to the environment. This perspective, forged from classical physics, gives way to multiple ecological theories, with evolution being the most prominent one. In all these cases, information would be both dependent and subsequent to matter and energy. Thus, the emergence and dynamics of genetic material or ecological attributes (...)
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  23. La Formation de l'Esprit scientifique, Contribution à une psychanalyse de la connaissance objective.Gaston Bachelard - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (4):5-7.
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  24. The Economics of COVID-19 in the Philippines.Leandro S. Estadilla - 2020 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (4):178-181.
    The emergence of COVID-19 places the economy at risk of recession or worst, depression. A sharp decline in the country’s economic growth is primarily caused by the weak consumption of locals and non-existence of foreign tourists in the country. On the other hand, disruptions of the supply chain in the manufacturing and retails sectors make the situation much worse. With clear uncertainties in mind, government agencies must lay down economic policies, monetary and fiscal, that would boost the confidence of the (...)
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    Praxis humana y pragmática trascendental del lenguaje: Primeras determinaciones acerca de la lingüisticidad de los actos sobre el trasfondo de la crítica trascendental del sentido.Leandro Paolicchi - 2013 - Tópicos 25 (25):00-00.
    La pragmática trascendental del lenguaje de Karl-Otto Apel ha sido principalmente una reconstrucción (y fundamentación) de los presupuestos irrebasables del discurso argumentativo. Ella no se ha extendido sobre las acciones en principio no discursivas de los hombres. En el presente trabajo se expone cómo debería entenderse a este tipo de acciones en el marco de dicha pragmática. Así, se presentan aquí las implicancias que tiene para la constitución y explicación de las acciones el ser comprendidas bajo un aspecto central de (...)
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    Sobre o problema da alteridade na Ética da Compaixão: considerações sobre a crítica de Byung-Chul Han a Schopenhauer.Leandro Chevitarese - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12:e16.
    Na filosofia de Schopenhauer, o fundamento da moral é a compaixão [Mitleid], que repousa na supressão da distinção egoísta entre minha pessoa e qualquer outro indivíduo. O filósofo contemporâneo Byung-Chul Han, em seu livro Filosofia do Zen-budismo, considera que “a compaixão não se deve à identificação ou a se pôr no lugar do outro [Einfühlung]”. Ao analisar a filosofia de Schopenhauer, tendo em vista sua influência oriental e, em contraste com as concepções do zen-budismo, o autor afirma que sua ética (...)
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    Materialidad, tiempo Y deseo: La crítica de la mitología cristiana en la obra de león rozitchner.Leandro Drivet - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 39:143-161.
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    Jacques Derrida and the Challenge of History.Sean Gaston - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    In the first book-length study of Derrida and the question of history, and in response to the 2016 publication of Derrida's 1964-1965 seminar on Heidegger and history, Sean Gaston explores Derrida's own political responses to the historical events of his time. He argues that contemporary philosophy can provide a basis for thinking about history.
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  29. As Sínteses Do Inconsciente e o Colapso Do Eu Em Deleuze.Leandro Lelis Matos - 2025 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (41):133-157.
    Este artigo pretende debater a crítica de Gilles Deleuze à noção psicanalítica de inconsciente, a partir de três perspectivas relacionadas às sínteses pré-subjetivas, na obra Diferença e repetição. A tese do nosso filósofo é a de que é preciso romper com o círculo fundação-fundamento, protagonizado pelas figuras do princípio empírico e do princípio transcendental, até chegar a um novo princípio, o sem-fundo, que corresponde à potência criativa, encarnada em um eu colapsado. Nesse sentido, optamos por elucidar como a literatura de (...)
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    Deleuze e duas apropriações do dionisíaco nietzschiano para um pensamento sem sujeito.Leandro Lelis Matos - 2023 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 29:218-227.
    O objetivo deste artigo é destacar e discutir dois momentos nos quais Deleuze se apropria da noção nietzschiana de dionisíaco, para compor o programa de um pensamento sem imagem em oposição ao pensamento da representação. A primeira apropriação diz respeito à questão de um novo discurso filosófico em prol de individuações e singularidades anteriores à “forma sujeito”. A segunda apropriação corresponde à defesa de um pensamento imanente, que ocorre na superfície e não recorre a modelos bem centrados. Trata-se de verificar (...)
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  31. Epistemic decentralizing : revisiting knowledge asymmetries from the periphery.Leandro Rodriguez Medina - 2025 - In Leandro Rodriguez Medina & Sandra G. Harding (eds.), Decentralizing knowledges: essays on distributed agency. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Cognition and norms: toward a developmental account of moral agency in social dilemmas.Leandro F. F. Meyer & Marcelo J. Braga - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:117232.
    Most recent developments in the study of social dilemmas give an increasing amount of attention to cognition, belief systems, valuations, and language. However, developments in this field operate almost entirely under epistemological assumptions which only recognize the instrumental form of rationality and deny that “value judgments” or “moral questions” have cognitive content. This standpoint erodes the moral aspect of the choice situation and obstructs acknowledgment of the links connecting cognition, inner growth, and moral reasoning, and the significance of such links (...)
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    El desplazamiento de la cuestión de la ideología en el pensamiento de Alain Badiou.Leandro García Ponzo - 2020 - Tópicos 40:52-76.
    Alain Badiou ha culminado recientemente lo que él mismo ha dado en llamar su “obra capital”. Se trata de los tres tomos de El ser y el acontecimiento. Allí despliega rigurosamente su ontología matemática, su lógica del aparecer y un tratamiento exhaustivo de las verdades desde un punto de vista inmanente. A lo largo de todo este eje vertebrante, con excepción de algunos pasajes del primer tomo, la cuestión de la ideología está ausente. Deberemos atender a los textos tempranos y (...)
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  34. As transformações da rede urbana na região de Marabá-PA: 1980-2000.Leandro Mendes Rocha - 2007 - In Elio Cantalício Serpa & Marcos Antonio de Menezes (eds.), Escritas da história: narrativa, arte e nação. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais: EDUFU.
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    Prédicas em torno da conquista e manutenção de Ceuta.Leandro Alves Teodoro - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):378.
    O segundo cronista e guarda-mor da Torre do Tombo, Gomes Eanes de Zurara, notabilizou-se pela produção de crônicas acerca da conquista e manutenção da praça de Ceuta no século XV. Com a finalidade de explorar as impressões desse cronista, o presente trabalho abordará como Zurara fez um uso edificante de duas de suas fontes: o discurso do conde D. Pedro de Meneses e um reportatio do sermão do fr. João Xira. Mais precisamente, o alvo deste estudo é examinar em que (...)
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    Μιαινω en Tito 1,15.Leandro J. Velardo - 2018 - Argos 42:e0010.
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    Narratives of Undiagnosability: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Life-Writing and the Indeterminacy of Illness Memoirs.Gaston Franssen - 2020 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 27 (4):403-418.
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    How Melogno prevented Hall from interfering with the use of Lewis's theory: Double prevention under debate.Leandro Giri & Hernán Miguel - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    In this paper we discuss Ned Hall's critique of David Lewis's counterfactual theory of causation, in particular for its alleged inability to account for cases of double prevention. To do so, we focus on Pablo Melogno's response to Hall, where he claims that Hall's proposed tension between the concept of dependence and the locality thesis in cases of double prevention is the effect of the omission of essential details to complete the causal chain in the examples used by Hall. Here (...)
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    (1 other version)La poétique de l'espace.Gaston Bachelard - 1957 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    L’originalité de la philosophie de Bachelard tient à la place donnée, dans ses recherches, à l’imagination et à la poésie. En proposant « de considérer l’imagination comme une puissance majeure de la nature humaine », il a ainsi ouvert de nouveaux espaces de méditation et de réflexion philosophiques dont s’inspirent encore de nombreux philosophes.
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    Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics and the laudanian perspective of research traditions in agronomy.Leandro P. Albrecht & Alfredo Junior Paiola Albrecht - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 7 (1):99-115.
    Agronomic science or technoscience has an important role in contemporary times and is the focus of necessary philosophical investigations. The present study aimed to relate Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics with the Laudanian concept of philosophy of science, also applied to the philosophy of technology within the agronomic context. The central question to be answered is: can Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics apply to the understanding of agronomy? Given this, central references and commentators were selected, dividing the dialogue between the authors and the argumentation (...)
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    Observations and Confessions: Honoring the Fiftieth Anniversary of Science, Technology, & Human Values Publications.Jerry Gaston - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (4):644-646.
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    The compartmentalization of life into social roles: a study based on Alasdair Macintyre.Leandro Bertoncello - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):122-137.
    This study investigates the fragmentation of the self into social roles and its implications for moral responsibility, based on the philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre. The analysis focuses on contemporary culture characterized by emotivism, which hinders the recognition of a universal human good and the development of moral agency. MacIntyre criticizes the liberal individualism of modernity, suggesting that the compartmentalization of social roles results in moral disorder, preventing the formation of a unified self. He argues that by acting according to the (...)
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    Études.Gaston Bachelard - 2002 - Vrin.
    J'etudie! Je ne suis que le sujet du verbe etudier. Penser je n'ose. Avant de penser, il faut etudier. Seuls les philosophes pensent avant d'etudier. Dans son dernier livre La flamme d'une chandelle, Gaston Bachelard s'est defini comme un etudiant. Nous n'avons pas cru lui etre infidele en presentant ces Etudes reflechies, qui portent trace d'itineraires de recherche et de problematiques. Sont ici rassembles les textes suivants: Noumene et microphysique, La critique du concept de frontiere epistemologique, Idealisme discursif, Lumiere et (...)
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  44. La Psychanalyse du Feu.Gaston Bachelard - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):522-523.
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    L'actualite de l'histoire des sciences.Gaston Bachelard - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):220-232.
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    Condillac and Derrida: Perception, the Human and Empiricism.Sean Gaston - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (1):1-22.
    In June 2020, a new work by Derrida on Condillac was published, Le Calcul des langues. This article re-examines Derrida’s readings of Condillac, focusing on the relation between perception and the language of signs; the relation between human knowledge and the animal; and the idealization and limits of empiricism.
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  47. The prophet armed: Machiavelli, savonarola, and rosso Fiorentino's Moses defending the daughters of Jethro.Vivien Gaston - 1988 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 51 (1):220-225.
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    El carácter ambiguo de la fusión de horizontes en la hermenéutica filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer.Leandro Catoggio - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14 (1-2):81-97.
    RESUMENA partir de las problemáticas desarrolladas por Charles Taylor y su explí­cita adhesión al programa gadameriano de la hermenéutica se intentará desarrollar la noción de fusión de horizontes con respecto a dos cuestiones inherentes a ella. Por un lado el papel que cumple en el entendimiento entre esquemas comprensivos diferentes; y por otro lado, la ambigüedad del carácter de la misma fusión. Esto en referencia a lo siguiente: o bien se trata de la fusión de horizontes distintos o bien se (...)
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  49. The Formation of the Scientific Mind: A Contribution to a Psychoanalysis of Objective Knowledge.Gaston Bachelard & Mary McAllester Jones - 2002 - Clinamen Press.
    Gaston Bachelard is one of the indespensable figures in the history of 20th-century ideas. The broad scope of his work has had a lasting impact in several fields - notable philosophy, architecture and literature.
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    Memória, História Oral e Patrimônio Imaterial Afro-brasileiro: teoria, práxis.Leandro Seawright Alonso - 2017 - Odeere 1 (2).
    Neste artigo, demonstrei a relação entre a Memória, a História Oral e o Patrimônio Imaterial Afro-brasileiro. Apontei para os aspectos teóricos e para a práxis de uma História Oral capaz de oferecer algumas bases para a salvaguarda do Patrimônio Imaterial. Para tanto, propus um diálogo dinâmico com diferentes conceitos de Memória, sobretudo conforme compreendida por Joël Candau e Maurice Halbwachs. Apresentei diferentes conceitos em diálogo com autores especialistas em Patrimônio Imaterial, como: Maria Amélia Jundurian Corá, Chiara Bortolotto e Ulpiano Toledo (...)
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